Attention all Men Who Are Struggling To Build Colossal Quads, Glutes and Hams: Did you know there is only ONE reason your legs are lagging, and that simply fixing this one thing will add inches of lean mass to your thighs in as little as 3 weeks?

Discover the ONLY Legitimate Leg Specialization Program That Is Scientifically PROVEN To Quickly Deliver You Ripped Legs The Size of Tree Trunks — No Matter How Long You’ve Struggled To Build an Impressive Lower Body

Are you ready to fix THE most embarrassing problem facing almost every guy I see at the gym?

Are you one of those guys who turns heads with your pecs, turns sideways to fit your massive delts through doorways, and melts hearts with your ripped biceps…

Yet you’re terrified that when you put your skinny ass and pencil-thin legs in a pair of shorts, the illusion of strength will disappear faster than your pump on a low carb diet?

You’re not alone… And in many ways, it’s not even your fault…

How to Turn Your Lagging Legs Into an Unfair Muscle Building Advantage…

Once I show you the scientifically proven secret to adding pounds of lean muscle to your legs in a matter of weeks, you’re going to enjoy new muscle growth everywhere on your body…

You see, doing the right kind of leg training is the key to unlocking a hormonal storm that’s tailor made to force all your muscles to grow!

Unfortunately, whether you’ve just been lazy, and ignoring your legs… [Shame on you!]

Or you’ve been busting your ass and you’re legs still look like tent poles holding your shorts up…

Then you’re not living up to your potential. However, the solution is simple and quick.

[…I did NOT say easy… I said simple
and quick!…]

The Secret to “Freak Factor” Leg Development

When I step on the stage, my legs are a showstopper! In fact, most judges agree I’ve got the best set of wheels on today's pro bodybuilding circuit…

Yet if you believe it’s just “good genetics” that gave me “freak factor” legs, think again.

I’ve always had decent leg development. However, I won’t settle for anything less than the BEST legs on stage. And I don’t believe in taking chances…

And luckily for you, my obsession with colossal legs lead me discover the most scientifically optimal way to train my quads, glutes and hams in order to make them grow into massive proof that…

“It’s not what you do… It’s how you do it…”

As simple as that may sound, the REAL truth is, every guy you see who busts their ass in the gym, and still has pencil thin legs, just does NOT understand a set of simple, scientifically proven exercise principles that will INSTANTLY unlock massive growth.

PROBLEM You’re Just “Lifting Weight,” Hoping You’ll Grow

Next time you’re at the gym, take a look around… How many chicken-legged guys do you suspect are lifting weights that are WAY too heavy for them to handle?…

Loading up 4 plates per side on the bar and struggling through a 6 inch range of motion on the squat is NOT going to make you grow! — especially if you’re dealing with lagging legs!…

In fact, using too much weight, before you are ready for it, may even be the CAUSE of your skinny thighs and glutes…

You see, your body is DESIGNED to make things easy!…

It will do everything in its power to put all that weight in your hands into the BIGGEST possible muscle that can handle that load.

Weak muscles stay weak, big muscles get bigger. That’s a fact of nature… Unless you learn to take control!…

Yup, the ONLY reason for a lagging bodypart is a failure to put enough TENSION into the muscle over the complete RANGE OF MOTION of the muscle. Period…

Until you learn to properly activate the muscle in the most scientifically optimal way, you will never pack on the kind of mass you desire and deserve

No matter how much weight you put on the bar!

Solution: Pakulski Precision Execution

I won’t sugar coat this… I do not know of a single person on the planet who understands exercise execution for massive muscle growth the way I do, and who also walks the walk.

I have dedicated my life to fine tuning the Pakulski Precision Execution™ principles that have taken me to the top of the bodybuilding universe, and have allowed me to help tens of thousands of guys around the world finally turn their weak bodyparts into the impressive strengths they desire and deserve!

Simply applying these same precision execution principles to your lagging legs will instantly ignite brand new muscle growth.

In fact, you may be shocked at how fast your body reacts to these powerful and scientifically optimal techniques.

In as little as 3 weeks you’ll notice the thighs of your pants fitting tighter, even as the waist gets looser…

Your glutes will finally be round enough to hold your pants up…

And you’ll at last be proud to hit the squat rack in a pair of shorts that actually show some of the brand new muscle mass on your quads and hams!…

Guaranteed Growth The 6 Essential Factors of Precision Execution

I’ve read every research paper even remotely related to building muscle — 1321 papers in all saved on my computer at last count… and yup, I’ve read them all.

I’ve spent countless hours in the most prestigious human performance research lab in the world, participating in cutting edge research on rapid muscle growth…

I’ve meticulously documented every step of my journey to the top of the ranks of the bodybuilding world — tracking my workouts, diet and progress in dozens of training journals.

And I’ve relentlessly studied my most successful coaching clients to determine exactly why their progress consistently blows away the gains of every other guy in the gym…

And I discovered that it all boils down to 6 essential factors of precision execution that GUARANTEE shocking new muscle growth:

  • Focused Muscle Engagement
  • Continuous Motion-Tension
  • Extreme Range Stimulation
  • Maximal Muscle Shortening
  • Strength Curve Optimization
  • Optimal Posture

Simply applying those exact 6 principles to each and every exercise I do has propelled me to the top ranks of bodybuilding.

And they are the same principles that you now have access to in this breakthrough leg specialization program.

This is literally my secret weapon for my colossal “freak factor” legs, and has never been released to the public until now…


Pakulski Precision Bodypart Execution:
Colossal Legs
  • Pakulski Precision Leg Exercise Execution Guide


    Every exercise performed during the 6 week program, broken down into simple step-by-step instructions, and spelled out in an easy to digest manner. It also includes all of Ben’s tips, tricks, cues and little intricacies for each exercise and body part, categorized and easily referenced.

    The exercise execution guide is ready to print off to take with you to the gym, and was designed to be an amazing reference and study aid to teach you how to do things right, from the very first moment you pick up the weight, to when you set it down.

    It also includes a number of common execution and postural guidelines that you can apply to any exercise you ever do (that includes outside of the workouts included in this program) to help improve its desired affect in your pursuit of muscular growth.

  • The Done-For-You Workout for Colossal Legs


    Every rep, every set, every little detail spelled out for you for the next 60 days. These are the most intelligent legs workouts ever written, incorporating many of the latest scientifically proven training modalities. Ben has also included a number of his greatest workout intensifiers, previously only explained to MI40 Insiders, as well as idiot-proof instructions explaining how to perform them for maximum affect.

    The workout sheets are ready to print off and take with you to the gym, and also include a space for you to log your progress to help hold you accountable.

    There is also a valuable ‘muscle logic’ section contained inside for you to read, and then re-read, explaining certain aspects behind the design of the workouts and why these aspects are beneficial.

  • $47.00Value

    The B-Pak Leg Domination
    Online DVD

    Detailed video of Ben explaining the function of the leg muscles, optimal movement patterns for each, as well as little-known training cues that you can incorporate into your leg training the very next time you hit the gym.

    How do you create an optimal contraction in the quads and hams?
    Do you know what AROM is and how it should be applied when training the legs?

    Ben gives you the “real” answers to these questions, along with many more, while incorporating some demonstrations along the way.

  • $20.00Value

    The B-Pak 6 Essentials of Exercise Cheat Sheet

    This cheat sheet was created to be a super quick reference to have with you in the gym. It contains each of the 6 most important essentials you should incorporate into every rep of every exercise you ever do. It was designed to be printed off and to be reviewed often, ideally between every set during this 6 week program!

Now, you may assume that a program that guarantees you will pack inches onto your thighs — no matter how “stubborn” they have been in the past — would cost a pretty penny.

The truth is, it should…

Yet because it drives me crazy to see so many guys butcher their leg training every time I step in the gym, I want to get this into the hands of as many people as possible.

So even though professional bodybuilders, fitness models, celebrities and athletes have paid me as much as $2700 to fix their lagging leg development with these exact same methods, I’m making them available to YOU today for less than HALF what the regular retail price is going to be…

In fact, if you’re one of the first 500 people to take action and invest in this limited time opportunity, I’ve got an even better deal for you.

Yet first, I need to make you aware of another very special limited time bonus you’re getting today…

Now, you may be shocked to discover that you can get this entire package — with a real retail value of $105 — for the super low regular price of only $57!…

Yet, as I said, you aren’t even paying half that today. For a limited time, you can secure the entire $105 package for only $57. However…

If you are one of the first 500 people to TAKE ACTION, you’ll get an even BETTER deal than that.

Because I have great respect for action takers, I’m rewarding you with an additional discount of almost 50%!…

Look below to see if you are one of the lucky 500. It may take a second to calculate, so be patient…

Please wait! Calculating your
eligibility for the Fast
Action Discount!

You Don’t Have To Decide Today…

Listen, I know for a fact that I provide the most complete, efficient, safe and scientifically PROVEN muscle building techniques in the entire industry.

And that’s why I’m excited to give you my 100% iron-clad, no-hassle, no-questions asked money back guarantee. Listen, if this program doesn’t work for you, you’re a genetic anomaly, so I’m totally OK with taking ALL the risk on me. Just give it a try today. It WILL work. And you’ll be stoked and will hardly believe that you paid such a low price for this.

To Your Fastest Growth Ever,

Benjamin Pakulski
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder

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